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My Neighbour Up There – Rights


    My Neighbour Up There is a collection of quirky, happy, loving and cheeky short stories from a world where granny climbs into grandad’s heart, where Mr Antonelo’s elbow gets stuck in a house, while his neighbour Dodič is lifted to the ceiling by love. There is also a tiny man in a cup of coffee, demanding Mr Kravos’s sugar, a fat baker, who secretly climbs into doughnuts at her bakery in order to lick the jam, and the narrowest street in which only very thin people live. Peter Svetina, one of the best-loved Slovene authors for young adults got inspiration for the characters in the stories by observing strange people in real life, and adding a plethora of fantasy elements, exaggeration, word play and eccentricity. The stories, full of verbal humour and nonsense, are unputdownable, and the lively wit has been colourfully enriched by the award-winning illustrator Peter Škerl.

    “It’s not just the people in this book that are special, eccentric, weird and suchlike, but also the objects, events and settings; in Peter Svetina’s worlds anything is possible, even the most unusual things are not really unusual, it all somehow hangs together and is as it should be and where it should be, just like the nonsense in these stories.” Gaja Kos for LUD Literatura

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