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How to Frighten a Monster – Rights


    Is there a monster under your bed? Is it fat, with only one eye and big sharp claws? Then this is a GROSS monster. But don’t worry, it is terrified of brass bands! All you have to do to scare it away is play some loud marching music. But what if the monster is not a GROSS one, but a TOOTHED one? Or even a FURRY one? Here’s a good piece of advice: “Call OTTO LOCUST!”

    How to Frighten a Monster is a thrilling story about a brave boy who comes to the aid of a frightened friend with a small encyclopedia of monsters and a guide for tricks to chase them away, as well as a story about peer violence and overcoming our worries and fears. In the descriptions of individual monsters, the author’s well-known originality and wit come to the fore (toothed monsters, for example, do not tolerate raspberry cough syrup and feel sick if they even see an advertisement for it …).

    The picture book How to Frighten a Monster is multi-layered. It speaks about the monster that lives within all of us and causes problems that seem insurmountable. It also tackles peer violence and bullying, but ultimately is about two boys on a wonderful adventure.


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